The most critically acclaimed video games of all time, based on more 700 critic lists from more than 100 publications

Current Top 10

Last update: 17th Mar 2024

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Things to look forward to this year

Now that the bulk of the 2023 end of year lists out of the way, what's next for Acclaimed Video Games? Will we sit and twiddle out thumbs until the end of year lists for 2024 start to come in? Ha! Of course not! Here are some of the improvements that we're currently working on, and which should be implemented in the next couple of months:

  • The list expanding to 1000 games.
  • An improved filter system that allows custom release year ranges, and for multiple platforms and genres to be selected.
  • An greatly expanded genre list, with Horror, Open World, Stealth, and Survival finally being added (among others).
  • The addition of the first platform exclusive lists.

Watch this space.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Please read Acclaimed Video Games' statement on Palestine

For those who did not realise, the Palestinian flag in the header links to a statement from Acclaimed Video Games on the situation in Palestine. Users are encouraged to read this statement, if they have not done so already. The page also contains links to additional resources that provide historical context, and cover the present situation in more detail. And, one video looks at the situation from the perspective of the games industry. This list of resources has grown since the statement was published, and may continue to do so.

If anyone is wondering what they can do to help, there are two things that will help in the short term. The first is pressuring your government to demand a ceasefire, and the other is to donate to the UNRWA, which is currently the main provider of aid to Palestinian refugees in Gaza. Acclaimed Video Games cannot donate as it is not monetised in any way, but I have made a small personal donation. Long term, only an end to the Israeli occupation can bring lasting peace.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

IGN workers are unionising! Please sign their petition

Acclaimed Video Games can only be as good as its source data, and that source data is created by workers at publications like IGN. These workers deserve fair working conditions, and you can help by supporting their union. Sign their petition and read their mission statement here.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

2023 games added!

Games released in 2023 have finally been added to the list! Understand that these rankings are currently based on very limited data, and will likely change significantly as more lists come in.

This update also adds an additional 270 lists to the database, bringing the total to just over 700, and the ranking algorithm has been improved so that it more sensibly places games based on limited data.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Games from 2023 will not be added until next year

It has become clear that the end of year lists alone will not be sufficient to give games from 2023 sensible all time rankings. There are currently very few lists comparing games from 2023 to games released earlier, and the algorithm struggles to make sense of this. The few lists that do exist are having a disproportionate effect on the final rankings.

That said, the data comparing 2023 games to each other is already excellent. So, if there is interest in seeing a definitive "Best games of 2023" list, I will put one together (once all of the end of year lists are in).

4 months, 1 week ago
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