About / FAQ

Acclaimed Video Games began in 2020 as a project to determine the most critically acclaimed video games of the previous decade. During 2021 it was expanded to include all video games, and in 2022 the formula received numerous updates to address various weaknesses. The formula continued to be refined during 2023, with the last major step implemented in August. A website for the project was launched in March 2023, and continues to receive regular updates.

How has the list been calculated?

The main list is an aggregate of more than 700 critic lists from more than 100 publications. These lists are weighted by a complex algorithm that accounts for factors such as the reputation of the publication, how current the list is, and a weighting that prevents the most prolific publications from dominating the list. A program then tracks how often each game appears ahead of every other game in the database. These game vs game matchups are then rigorously cross referenced to determine an overall ranking. The highest ranked games are the ones that have frequently appeared ahead of other strong games, while rarely being ranked below weaker games.

What lists are eligible/ineligible?

Any list by an established video game critic or reputable publication is eligible. Exceptions include the following:

  • genre specific lists
  • platform specific lists (these will hopefully be added in 2024)
  • collections of individual staff lists
  • lists based on other lists
  • lists based on reader polls
  • lists with a single entry (“Game of the year” articles, for example)

What games are eligible/ineligible?

This is determined on a case by case basis. As a general guide:

  • base games are almost always eligible
  • remakes and standalone expansions are usually eligible
  • mods are sometimes eligible
  • expansion packs, DLC, and remasters are almost always ineligible

Are there any other websites that are similar to Acclaimed Video Games?

There are! Here are some others that also aggregate best of lists, both for video games, and for other media:

Where does your metadata come from?

Release dates, developer data, and images come from IGDB. Game names and platform data is entered manually (for now).

I found a mistake!

It happens from time to time. Please let me know by emailing me at contact@acclaimedvideogames.com.

There’s a list that you haven’t included yet!

If you’re sure that the list is eligible (please check the eligibility criteria above), and if you can provide a reliable source for it, then please let me know and I’ll include it in the next update.

Are these the definitive greatest games of all time?

No. The aim of this project is to determine the most acclaimed video games of all time, and no one is obliged to think that the most acclaimed video games are also the best. Video game critics are imperfect people working in an imperfect industry, and their tastes are inextricably linked to factors such as their worldview, history, and what space they think video games should occupy in the broader cultural landscape. The main list is a reflection of all of this, and we have every right to be critical of it.

I would like to give feedback, or contact you for some other reason.

Sure, I'd love to hear from you. You can email me at contact@acclaimedvideogames.com.

Thanks to

  • Kris/Delf for helping me untangle the video game industry's various complexities, and for your help early on with the data entry. (Also for putting up with my rants whenever I was stuck on something.)
  • Ian for helping with the development of the ranking algorithm.
  • Sean for building the website.